International law with Chinese characteristics

Author: Samuel Ng, Queensland University of Technology

Australia last year called for an independent inquiry into the origins of COVID-19 and objected to Beijing’s imposition of a sweeping security law in Hong Kong. China’s swift retaliation, then, through deployment of strong measures against Australian wine and barley exports was no surprise.

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Photos from the WTO Aid for Trade Global Review 2017 photo gallery may be reproduced provided attribution is given to the WTO and the WTO is informed. Photos: © WTO/Jay Louvion

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Power politics is paralysing the World Trade Organisation

Author: Angus Colovic, University of Adelaide

What constitutes a ‘national security issue’ is a never-ending debate. Some may see the distinction in sector — armament management, regional defence, and sovereignty matters. Unfortunately, in a world rife with insurgencies, tacit influence and coercive diplomacy, some issues tend to get swept under the rug. ‘

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