FAQ Overview


In the wrong call


You are in the wrong zoom call


  1. Click "leave meeting" on Zoom.
  2. Try joining again using the link from the original source. You may be able to find this in the following places:

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2022-12-04 04:31

I can't hear anyone else in Zoom (Speakers not working)


You can't hear anyone else in a Zoom call.


  1. Ensure you have the correct speakers selected. If you can see more than one in the list, try cycling through them.
  2. Try the Zoom audio troubleshooter by clicking on "Test Speaker & Microphone"

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 17:10

Nobody else can hear me in Zoom (Microphone not working)


Nobody else can hear you in a Zoom call.


Didn't solve your problem? Contact the technical support team or check out the solutions for system-wide microphone problems.

  1. Ensure that your microphone is unmuted in the bottom left corner.
  2. Ensure you have the correct microphone selected. If you can see more than one in the list, try cycling through them.
  3. Try the Zoom audio troubleshooter by clicking on "Test Speaker & Microphone"
  4. Join the Tech Support room. Use the chat to indicate your problem is with your microphone and we will help you resolve the problem.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 17:33

General Microphone Issues


My microphone isn't working.


If you are only having microphone issues in Zoom, check out this page first.


  1. Open "Sound Settings" by searching for "Sound Settings" in the Start Menu or right clicking on the sound icon in the taskbar and selecting "Open Sound Settings".
  2. Click on "Sound Control Panel
  3. Click on the "Recording" tab.
  4. Right click on the microphone and ensure that "Disabled" is not ticked. If it is ticked, click it to enable it.
  5. Select one of your microphones from the dropdown list and click "Properties".
  6. In the "Levels" tab, ensure the microphone level is not 0. The following settings are usually good.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2020-09-10 08:59

Nobody can see me in Zoom (Camera not working)


Nobody can see me in Zoom.


  1. Click the "Start Video" button on the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Ensure you have the correct camera selected. If you can see more than one in the list, try cycling through them.
  3. If your camera has a physical cover or sticker over the lense, try removing it.
  4. Join the technical support room on Zoom

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-16 02:11

Stuck in waiting room


I'm stuck in the waiting room of a Zoom call.


If you are early, the host may not be ready to let attendees in.

If you have reason to believe you should already be in the meeting, contact technical support.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 17:34

Lagging and Freezing


Zoom is lagging or freezing.


Disable unnecessary Zoom options such as "Enable HD", "Touch up my appearance" (you look great!) or video backgrounds* in your video settings.

* Video backgrounds require extra bandwidth and processing due to all the moving pixels. Feel free to try a static background instead!

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-09 10:33

I don't have Zoom (Need help installing Zoom)


I don't have Zoom installed on my device.


For a laptop or desktop device, download the Zoom client for meetings at https://zoom.us/download.

If you are using a phone or tablet to join the Zoom call, download Zoom on the Play Store (Android) or App Store (Apple).

If there are errors installing Zoom, ensure you don't have another older version of Zoom already installed. First, try uninstalling it by following the instructions here, then reinstall it following the instructions above.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 17:57

Reinstalling/Uninstalling Zoom

When the Australian Crisis Simulation Summit is over, you may wish to uninstall Zoom.

Uninstalling an older version of Zoom may also be a troubleshooting step if you have an older or corrupt version installed.


  1. Open "Add or Remove Programs" (you can do this by searching for "programs" in the start menu)
  2. Search for "Zoom"
  3. Click on the entry and click "Uninstall"

You may now wish to install the most up-to-date version of Zoom by following the instructions here.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-08-01 04:53

Zoom is crashing or disconnecting

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-08-01 04:52

Updating Zoom

It is a good idea to update Zoom before the Australian Crisis Simulation Summit.

Zoom may work for you even if you have an outdated version, but you won't be able to use newer features such as the ability to move yourself between breakout rooms (a vital part of the inter-team communication system in the crisis simulations) or participate in Zoom Webinars (including the opening and closing ceremony, briefings and panel discussions).

To update Zoom, you can just install the new version on top of the old one. Instructions for installing Zoom are found here.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2022-12-04 04:34

Using Zoom During the Crisis Simulations

Using Zoom During the Crisis Simulations

Please watch the video above for a brief overview on:

  • Changing your display name
  • Adding your virtual background
  • Accessing the correct breakout rooms

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2022-12-04 05:02


Error message: Go to Registration and set your password


When attempting to log in to Conducttr, you see the following message:


This error occurs when your password has not yet been set.

Passwords are provided to you and do not need to be manually set, so you should never see this screen.

If you do, contact the technical support team.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 18:06

Error message: Sorry, you must be authorised to play this experience


When attempting to log in, you see the following message:


You are using the incorrect email address. Please use the fake email address that has been provided to you.

If you cannot find the simulation email address, contact the technical support team.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 18:07

Error message: Email address and password don't match


When attempting to log in, you see the following message:


You are using the wrong email or password.

  • Try logging in again.
  • Ensure you are using the email address and password that was sent to you.
  • Contact the technical support team.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 18:08

Error message: Your password must contain...


You see the following message:


You don't need to register or set a new password. Try clicking "log in" instead of "register" and using the email address and password that were sent to you.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-11 12:56

Page empty/simulation content not visible


There is some content missing, or you cannot see any content at all.


Try the following in order. If one of these steps fixes your problem, you don't need to continue with the rest of them.

At any stage, please feel free to contact IT support using the Zoom link at the bottom of the page.

  1. Refresh the page
    • Do this by pressing the reload button in your browser or by hitting the F5 key on your keyboard.
  2. Hard refresh (this may be different depending on your browser and operating system). You can try:
    • Shift + F5
    • Ctrl + F5
  3. Sign out of Conducttr and log back in.
    • Click the hamburger icon in the top left corner ().
    • Select "logout" from the menu.
    • Sign back in with the email provided and the password you were sent at the beginning of the simulation.
  4. Try a different browser. Conducttr has been tested extensively with Chrome.
  5. Ensure your browser is up to date.
  6. Contact the technical support team.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 18:13

Password Reset (I've forgotten my password)


I've forgotten my password for Conducttr.


Check your email - passwords are sent to you before the beginning of the simulation.

If you don't have the email, contact the technical support team.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 18:14


Using the Wired Network

Access denied

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-11 12:02

Connecting to the Wireless Network

Access denied

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-11 12:01


Live stream is buffering


Your live stream is behind realtime


Try refreshing the page.

Consider viewing the live stream on a different device.

If your second device has its own Internet connection (e.g. 4G), try disconnecting it from your home WiFi to force it to use the 4G connection.

If the live stream is just delayed, try these solutions instead.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 16:01

No audio/sound on live stream


You cannot hear any audio on the stream.


Ensure acss.tv is not muted.

Ensure your device is not muted.

Ensure you have the correct audio output selected (e.g. laptop speakers or headphones)

Still Unresolved

If nobody has working audio, it may indicate an issue on the streaming backend. Please notify a member of the IT team.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 06:15

Stream is currently not broadcasting (Stream Offline).


The live stream at https://acss.tv/ is not currently broadcasting.


The most likely cause is that the stream is not running. The page will automatically load when the stream starts.

If you believe the stream should be running, try refreshing the page.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-11 12:05

Contact Tech Support

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-11 13:05

Using Picture in Picture (PiP) with the SBC Live Stream

Using the Picture in Picture feature will help if you don't have enough space on your screen.

For Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, get the Picture in Picture browser extension by Google.

For Mozilla Firefox, use the inbuilt Picture in Picture feature.

For installation and usage instructions, watch the video above.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-13 01:16

Live stream is delayed


You may not be watching live. Click the button to skip ahead to the live broadcast. It should show red () when you are watching live.

Alternatively, try refreshing the page.

If the live stream is buffering or isn't loading at all, try these solutions instead.

Author: Jack Williams
Last update: 2021-09-12 16:01

If you cannot resolve your problem here (or even just don't have the time to read everything), please don't hesitate to contact us! It's what we're here for.