An undertaking of this scale comes at a significant cost. The total cost of the ACSS is expected to reach $75,000. Financial support has been pledged by a variety of sources, including the ANU and the Department of Defence. We plan to raise the remaining costs from a delegate fee and sponsorship agreements with both public and private partners. As sponsorship commitments increase, we will reduce the delegate fee accordingly to make the event as accessible as possible to students.

The successful delegates will be charged a delegate fee of $150 to attend the ACSS. This fee will include all events at the Summit, including access to the careers and networking day and the three crisis simulations. We will make every effort to minimise the cost of the Summit on delegates by providing them with appropriate resources to assist them in seeking sponsorship from a range of organisations.

The ACSS team has also secured funding for a scholarship program.



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ACSS 2020