Australian Migration Policy and Soft-Power: Militarised policy threatens Security Imperatives for the Middle Power
Olivia Papagni - University of Adelaide - Adelaide Hub Delegate The trend for policy makers to militarise borders or enhance security patrols along borders as a means of combating immigration has caused humanitarian concerns and … Continue reading Australian Migration Policy and Soft-Power: Militarised policy threatens Security Imperatives for the Middle Power
The Incel Movement, a growing threat towards Australian national security.
Dave Pereira - University of Western Australia - Virtual Hub Delegate The incels movement has seen an increase in violent attacks in Canada, the U.K., and the U.S., becoming an increasing terrorist threat towards Australia’s … Continue reading The Incel Movement, a growing threat towards Australian national security.

Has Australia lost the Pacific?
Author: James Kell, ANU It’s 2023. Civil unrest on the streets of Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, threatens another coup. At the request of the Solomon Islands government, the Chinese Communist Party provides … Continue reading Has Australia lost the Pacific?

Protecting Australian universities from foreign interference
Author: Jaymee Hick, University of Western Australia Foreign interference is advancing beyond Australia’s electoral processes to the realm of academic institutions.
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