Delegate Applications for ACSS 2021

Delegate applications for ACSS 2021 are now closed!

We are so grateful to have received an overwhelming response from students across Australia, who are interested in participating in the ACSS 2021. From all of the applicants, a select pool will be interviewed via Zoom. Seventy will be chosen from this pool to attend the ACSS 2021 as Australia’s future national security leaders.

The ACSS will strive to ensure students from all backgrounds have an opportunity to attend the Summit. Within the delegate demographic, we will strive to achieve gender equity, indigenous participation and participation from culturally diverse individuals.

If you have any further questions about the application process please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

Other Opportunities

Opportunities to be involved in the ACSS 2021 are no longer available. However, please keep eye on this page for further announcements related to future opportunities for next year’s Summit.